
The main aim of the QA-SURE project is to enhance the teaching, assessment mechanisms for HEI staff and students, quality assurance, management, governance, inclusion, innovation, knowledge base, digital and entrepreneurial capacities, as well as the internationalization of HEIs in the third countries; increase the capacities of HEIs, bodies in charge of higher education and competent authorities of higher education institutions to modernize their higher education systems, particularly in terms of quality, governance and financing, by supporting the definition, implementation and monitoring of reform processes; improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development in order to impact the longer-term quality of the education system; stimulate cooperation of institutions, capacity building and exchange of good practice; foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives.

1. Establishing / Enhancing

To establish/enhance Quality Assurance Units/Offices of HEIs in Albania and Kosovo and provide capacity building on quality assurance processes within networks of HEIs. Through this project, the consortium will fully engage and coordinate with each other to handle the multi-purpose establishment of the core group/unit/office for developing the internal quality assurance at WBU and enhancement of the offices at the other partner universities.

2. Improve training processes

To improve training processes for designing study programs of HEIs based on labour market needs, including the Action Plans for supporting the processes of QA in teaching, learning and administration. Moreover, the project addresses training needs for designing study programs of HEIs based on labour market needs, including the Action Plans that support Quality Assurance processes in teaching, learning and administration. The project itself promotes a long-term approach on how to maintain the study programs of HEIs and the associated Quality Assurance processes, while supporting such approach with the latest trends in the region and Europe in general. More specifically, this objective is about capacity building of the core quality team for the implementation of the newest methods and best practices for internal quality assessment, training of trainers (ToT), etc.

3. Improve coordination

To improve coordination through a long-term policy and associated methodologies, for strategies on internal quality assurance at WBU and its partners, in preparation for international institutional accreditation of WBU and relevant partners. The project addresses the third objective, concretely improving coordination instances among the leader and partner universities, for long-term strategies that provide long-term policy support and associated methodologies for internal Quality Assurance throughout the consortium, in preparation for an international institutional accreditation of WBU and relevant partner universities.

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Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.