1st academic staff and student training in the framework of the QA-SURE project

The QA-SURE project aims to boost the capabilities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Western Balkans by adapting modern European QA practices, instruments, and methodologies. The project emphasizes enhancing teaching and assessment mechanisms, increasing the capacities of HEI staff and students in quality assurance management, and aligning with international standards.

For this purpose, the first academic staff training took place in Tirana, at the premises of Polis University on 29-30 August. The participants in these training sessions learnt valuable insights regarding the latest QA practices in higher education, opportunities for professional development, and the chance to contribute to the ongoing improvement of educational quality at universities.

The training sessions covered a range of topics, including:

  • Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Understanding the basics and advanced principles of QA, including the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).
  • Managing Quality in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Exploring effective strategies to maintain high standards in educational and research outputs.
  • Curriculum Development and Evaluation: Learning about methods and tools for internal evaluation and self-assessment to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging external and internal stakeholders, including students, in the QA processes to foster a comprehensive quality culture.


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