Study visit at the International Social Sciences Business School (ISSBS) in Celje and the National Accreditation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (NAKVIS)

The QA-Sure consortium has completed the study visit at the International Social Sciences Business School (ISSBS) in Celje and the National Accreditation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (NAKVIS) in Ljubljana.
The study visit allowed the Albania and Kosovo partners to learn more about the practices that ISSBS applied and their own experiences in building up quality assurance structures and competencies. Also, the visit to NAKVIS allowed the participants to understand how the accreditation process of HEIs in Slovenia goes.

Overall, the study visit included various presentations and discussions regarding Total Quality Management, Digitalization of Quality Assurance Systems, Best Practices in QA, and transferable knowledge and skills that Albania and Kosovo partners can from these.

Stay tuned for more updates in the future.


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